How to Wear an Abdominal Guard the CORRECT WAY! (Step by Step Guide)

Cricket is a high-intensity sport that only the most skilled athletes seem to excel at. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that injuries are actually quite common. The abdominal guard is probably the most important piece of cricket equipment that you can invest in.

So, how do you wear an abdominal guard in cricket? The abdominal guard (aka, the box) protects your pelvic region from traumatic injuries when playing cricket. To wear one, make sure you cover your entire genital region with the abdominal guard. Then, wear compression shorts or a jockstrap over the guard to keep it secure.

Most people don’t know about the abdominal guard because it’s so well-hidden when playing cricket. But, it’s definitely a piece of cricket equipment that you need to know about before playing. So, we’re going to talk about everything you need to learn about the cricket abdominal guard.

To understand the step by step instructions, it would greatly help if you have the abdominal guard with you. If you haven’t bought it yet, make sure you head over to Amazon, and buy this SG Cricket Guard along with the Omtex Supporter Briefs to hold the guard in place while you are batting!

What is an Abdominal Guard in Cricket?

An abdominal guard in cricket keeps the pelvic area safe from traumatic blows and basic cricket injuries. That means it’ll help to absorb the shock when you’re hit by a cricket ball or bat in the general genital area. But, it won’t mean that these injuries don’t hurt at all. They’ll just hurt less!

There are quite a few different types of cricket abdominal guards out there that you’ll want to consider.

The basic kind is like a regular athletic cup that you can wear under a jockstrap or compression shorts. These are usually more affordable, though you will have to spend some money on the extra shorts or jockstrap. The problem is that these might not be so stable if you’re running around, diving, or moving a lot.

There are also abdominal guards that come with straps already attached to them. These straps hook around your hips and help to keep the abdominal guard where it’s meant to be when you’re playing. This version is definitely more convenient and durable for all skill levels.

How to Actually Wear an Abdominal Guard?

The cricket abdominal guard is actually pretty easy to put on, even if you’re just a beginner. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide for using your new abdominal guard.

Step 1 – Take off your pants. You have the choice between putting the guard directly on your skin or wearing it over your underwear. Beneath your underwear might give you a little more security. But, it might be a little uncomfortable at first. Try out each method to see what works best for you and provides greater comfort.

REMEMBER – the narrow end of the guard should be facing down!

Step 2 – Put the guard on. When you position the abdominal guard, you want to make sure that it’s facing the right direction (check the above image). The cup should be encasing your genital area with a generally snug fit. Absolutely everything should be covered by the abdominal guard.

Abdominal Guard Jockstrap to hold the guard in the right place

Step 3 – Make adjustments. If you’re using an athletic cup version, secure the abdominal guard beneath your jockstrap or compression shorts. If you’re using an abdominal guard with straps, tighten the straps to fit your waist properly. Make sure it’s tight enough so that it won’t slip, but not too tight where it digs into your hips and causes discomfort.

Step 4 – Put your pants back on. Slip your underwear, compression shorts, or pants back over the abdominal guard. Check that the abdominal guard still fits well when you move or run.

Making sure that the abdominal guard fits well is extremely important. Otherwise, it might slip out when you’re playing or cause some discomfort.

What Are Some of the Other Names for an Abdominal Guard?

The abdominal guard in cricket goes by several different names, including the following:

  • Box
  • L guard
  • Compression cup
  • Cricket guard

Knowing each of these terms can help you out when you’re looking to buy an abdominal guard on the internet. If you’re not finding too many choices with one of the names, try some of the others on the list.

How Much Does an Abdominal Guard Cost?

The cost of an abdominal guard depends on the type of abdominal guard that you’re looking for.

When it comes to abdominal guards that are similar to regular athletic cups, you’re probably going to be spending about $5 to $15 per guard.

When you’re looking for a model that comes with an included strap, you’re going to be spending a little bit more money. This type of abdominal guard will probably cost you $10 to $20, on average.

As much as you might want to save some money when buying cricket equipment, this isn’t the right time to cut corners and costs. It’s better to spend more money on a product that provides unmatchable support than settle for a $5 option that falls out or doesn’t absorb impact.

After all, a severe groin or pelvic injury can mean a trip to the emergency room or be sidelined for a few weeks. So, don’t skip out on an abdominal guard (or a good one!).

Who Will Wear an Abdominal Guard in Cricket?

The abdominal guard in cricket is most often worn by the batsmen, close-fielders, and wicket-keepers. So, let’s go over why each of these positions calls for an abdominal guard.

The wicket-keeper plays a position that’s very much like a catcher in baseball or softball. That means the wicket-keeper will have a heavy ball thrown in his direction hundreds of times per match. A misaimed and hard throw can severely injure the pelvic area, which is why the wicket-keeper needs an abdo guard.

The batsman is the player that’s currently trying to hit the ball after it’s bowled toward him by the opposing team. Since the deliveries bowled by the bowler might sometimes be a bounce unexpectedly, there’s always a chance a batsman will be hit in the pelvic region. The abdominal guard is simply a way to prevent one of these freak injuries.

The close-fielders in cricket are more likely to get hit than outfielders. A solid hit with the cricket bat will be soaring at a speed so fast that a close-fielder might not be able to get out of the way in time. In these rare circumstances, an abdominal guard might be a saving grace.

Basically, anyone in a position where they might get hit by a ball or a bat should be wearing an abdominal guard when playing cricket. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Do Female Players Also Wear an Abdominal Guard in Women’s Cricket?

All cricket players are prone to some sort of injury if they’re engaged in a high-intensity match. Though the impact on the pelvic region is very different between males and females, it does still cause some pain in female players.

So, female cricket players do wear some form of an abdominal guard, but it’s a little different from the male configuration. Female cricket players might also choose to wear some extra padding on the chest area. This is pretty useful when it comes to preventing chest or breast injury mid-game.

How to Spot the Differences Between Female and Male Abdominal Guards

Male abdominal guards and female abdominal guards serve the same purpose. However, there are some slight design differences between them that you should be aware of:

  • Female abdominal guards are slightly flatter. Due to anatomical differences, male guards are usually more cup-like, while female guards are typically flatter.
  • Female abdominal guards are slightly more cushioned. This makes it more comfortable to wear while batting. 

Tip: Buy abdominal guards that specifically state whether they’re for female or male players. You don’t want to accidentally buy a guard made for a woman if you’re a man, or vice-versa. The best way to avoid this is to check if the guard you’re buying is for men or women. 

  • If you’re looking for a female guard, I recommend the GN Female Abdominal Guard [on Amazon]. It’s effective and will get the job done, and it’s specifically made for women. 
  • If you’re looking for a male guard, I recommend the SG Profile Abdo Guard for Men [on Amazon]. It’s got a cup-shaped mold and is made specifically for men. It also has a fluffed cotton casing, which will make it very comfortable to wear. 


The abdominal guard in cricket is the most important piece of equipment for batsmen, wicket-keepers, and close-fielders. This protective gear is used to effectively prevent injury to the pelvic and genital areas. Here are some pieces of advice for using your abdominal guard:

  • Make sure it’s tight and secured properly around your waist (compression shorts, jockstrap, and tightened straps).
  • Invest in a high-quality product that’ll prevent severe injury while you’re playing.
  • Always wear an abdominal guard, even if you’re a female player or quite skilled.

Shrot Katewa

Shrot is an avid cricket fan! He has played and endorsed the sport ever since he was in School. In fact, he played as a professional cricketer represented his state team in National Indoor Cricket Championship held in Pune, India. Shrot loves the game, loves talking to other people who play the game and share his learnings with other interested individuals. He is the founder of This website is a culmination of his desire to help others understand this wonderful Game of Cricket!

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