Cricket Bat Grip Sliding Up? Here’s a Quick Fix! [With Images]

Bat Grips slide up. It happens all the time! It’s annoying when that happens. It is even more annoying when you realize that the grip has slid up in the middle of the innings. The only way to continue to bat is to change the bat for the lack of time to change the grip. Worry not. We are here to talk about different methods that can help you avoid the frustrations of grip sliding up all the time!

You can fix a Bat Grip that is sliding up by using a PVC insulation tape under the grip on the bat handle. Keep the sticky side of the tape out. The sticky side attaches to the grip and stops it from sliding up. Using specialized grip tapes like GripGrip Pro can be really convenient.

There are efficient ways in which you can fix this problem of the bat grip sliding up. Let’s take a look at these methods.

How to Fix a Bat Grip Sliding Up?

When a bat grip slides up, it makes batting difficult. The extra part that comes out of the top of the handle comes in the way of shot-making. It can also create unwanted sound while playing cricket shots which might lead the umpire to think that you have nicked the ball when, in fact, you haven’t. It would be really unfortunate to get out this way!

Thus, it very important that you always take care of the grip and prevent it from sliding up. Let’s talk about the ways to do it.

Things to Check BEFORE Fixing the Grip

There are certain things you need to check before deciding to fix the grip.

1. Check the Condition of the Grip

First of all, check the condition of the grip. If it is torn or worn out bad enough, throw it away. It is very difficult to bat with such a grip. It would divert your focus away from the next delivery to be faced.

If you do need to put a new grip, be sure to check out our other post that details how to change the grip of a cricket bat in which we have also our recommendations on the types of grips to choose!

2. Check the Thread Winding on the Bat Handle

Another thing that you should do is check the thread winding around the cricket bat handle under your existing grip. If the winding is not in place or if the threads are broken, then get the threading fixed before you fix the grip from sliding up.

If you don’t have proper threads on the bat, the grips may continue to slide up even if you have followed the process completely well. Thus, be sure to fix the thread winding first!

3. Check the Adhesive Capacity of the Tape

The other thing you should check before you begin the process of fixing the grip issue is the adhesive capabilities of the tape that you shall be using.

If you shall be using an insulation tape which has been at your home for a few months, chances are that the tape has lost some of its adhesive capabilities.

If you do feel the need to buy one, we recommend this Black PVC Insulation Tape [on Amazon]. It has great adhesive capabilities and it works quite well for a bat grip.

It is not necessary to go with black tape, although that is quite the common preference that most cricketers have when it comes to adhesive tapes on the grip.

4. Make Sure Your Hands are Clean

Lastly, make sure you wash your hands before you begin with the process of putting on the tape. If your hands are dirty, chances are that the dirt will stick on the adhesive side of the tape and it will diminish the adhesive capabilities of the tape. In such a scenario, you may not get the desired result even if you have carried out all the steps as described below.

Method 1 – Fix the Bat Grip using an Insulation Tape

Using a PVC based insulation tape to fix the grip from sliding up is perhaps the faster of the two methods that we shall talk about. This is simply based on the fact that most of us are highly likely to have insulation tape at home. Thus you don’t have to order and wait for it to arrive!

While some cricketers prefer to simply put the insulation tape at the bottom end of the grip at the should of the cricket bat around the splice (as indicated in the image on the right).

While that is a good practice, it is mostly just a temporary arrangement before the tape wears out and the grip starts sliding up!

Here’s is a proper method to stop the grip from sliding up using insulation tape –

Step 1 – Move the Grip in the Desired Position

Your first step is really to put the grip properly in place using a cone or any other method you are familiar with. You can take the help of our detailed post on how to put the grip on a Cricket Bat.

Remember, whatever position your grip is before you begin with the process, is going to be your final grip position. So, make sure it is correct and in the desired position that you need.

Step 2 – Applying the PVC Insulation Tape

The next step is to apply the PVC Insulation tape underneath the grip.

Roll the grip from the bottom of the bat as show in the image.

For this, role the grip upwards from the bottom by about 3 to 4 inches. Make sure the threading is in the proper condition under it.

Put the insulation tape on the bat handle like so

Next, wind the insulation tape around the handle approximately about an inch or two up from the shoulder of the bat.

Start with holding the tape on the bat shoulder, and pull it to wrap it around the shoulder. Make sure the sticky side of the tape is on the outer side.

Pro Tip:
While applying the tape, make sure you don’t cut the tape before applying on the bat handle. This allows you to easily roll the tape on the handle. You can easily cut the end using a scissor once you are done applying the tape on the handle!

Step 3 – Secure the Grip at the Lower End of the Bat Handle

Once you have applied the tape, you now need to roll the grip back down to its original position. Make sure that the grip has gone down completely and reaches the shoulder of the bat.

Hold the grip tightly once you have rolled down the grip completely to secure it

Press around the area where the electrical tape has been wound up. This is to make sure that the electrical tape sticks properly to the grip.

Secure the bottom of the grip by applying the tape around the shoulder of the bat

The last thing you would want to do to completely secure it from the bottom is to make sure that you wrap some tape around the area where the grip ends! Applying tape around the splice at the shoulder of the bat can work as a great additional measure to prevent the grip sliding up!

Step 4 – Secure the Grip at the Top of the Bat Handle

Now this is just an additional step. While it may not be necessary for most players. However, it is an essential step for cricketers who prefer to use more than one grips!

Securing the grip from the top is also highly recommended if you are playing in hot or humid conditions such as the sub-continent countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh or even in countries like Australia, UAE etc.

Repeat the process on the top part of the handle

To secure the grip at the top of the Bat Handle, you need to follow a similar process.

Simply roll down the grip from the top about 2 to 3 inches. Then, apply the tape on the thread. About 2 to 3 wraps of the tape around the bat handle should be good enough. Next, roll up the grip back in to the original position.

Don’t forget to hold the grip tightly over the tape for about 30 seconds to secure it in place.

Method 2 – Using GripGrip Pro

One of the biggest challenges while using the PVC insulation tape is to apply the tape with the sticky side on the outside! That’s tough to get it right especially if you haven’t done it a few times already!

A perfect solution to this problem is the GripGrip Pro – The Non-Moving Cricket Grip Tape [on Amazon]. It is a genius solution and it makes applying it on the bat handle to secure the grip a super easy process!

The GripGrip tape is made of vulcanized rubber and takes advantage of the fact that the bat grip is also made of rubber. It is hard for rubber to move when it comes in contact with another rubber, thus prevents the bat grip from sliding up.

The best part is that it barely costs a few bucks more than the traditional PVC insulation tape, but saves a ton of trouble! Furthermore, one roll of the GripGrip Pro tape can be used up to 7-8 times to secure the grip of the bat.

Process of Applying the GripGrip Pro

The process of applying the GripGrip Pro is quite similar to the steps that we have mentioned above.

Here’s a video that explains the process of applying the GripGrip Pro tape on a cricket bat handle –

The only major difference in the process would be that you need to cut the tape at about 4 inches in length before applying it on the bat.

Cutting the tape before applying it on the bat handle should be done for the following two reasons –

  • It prevents excessive usage of the tape
  • Having a small piece of GripGrip Pro in hand allows you to stretch it appropriately while applying it on the bat handle

Note –
Some people also carry out the above procedure using glue. While it does solve the problem of the grip sliding up, the glue tends to stick to the thread winding and makes it harder to replace the grip. We would NOT recommend using a glue to prevent the grip from sliding up.

Why Does a Cricket Bat Grip Slide Up?

The bat handle is wrapped up with a thread winding first and on top of it lie one or more rubber grips.

The grip helps the batsman avoid slipping the bat out of the hand while batting. When the batsman plays a shot, he holds the grip but the bat’s movement is away from the batsman. This causes the grip to slowly move towards the batsman.

The activity is fastened for the cricketers who have a top-handed grip meaning the hand near the top of the handle is their dominant hand while batting.

How Many Grips Should you have on a Cricket Bat?

The number of grips on a bat is a matter of choice like many other aspects of batting. The most important thing is to feel comfortable while batting. Most of the batsmen prefer single grip. Some use two, or three grips.

If you think 3 is too much, remember, cricketer Vinod Kambli used to have 6 grips on his bat while playing for India. He has two consecutive double centuries in international cricket.

Obviously, the number of grips doesn’t have a direct correlation to success. However, having the right number of grips for you gives more comfort while batting. This in-turn can lead to improvement in your performance and greater success.

Final Thoughts

A cricket bat grip is often the neglected part among all cricketing accessories. Cricketers pay attention to it only when it is torn or slid up and is causing trouble. However, there are certain things that you do to help the grip stay where you want it to stay and thus, last longer.

I hope this article has given you detailed insights into how to do that.

Shrot Katewa

Shrot is an avid cricket fan! He has played and endorsed the sport ever since he was in School. In fact, he played as a professional cricketer represented his state team in National Indoor Cricket Championship held in Pune, India. Shrot loves the game, loves talking to other people who play the game and share his learnings with other interested individuals. He is the founder of This website is a culmination of his desire to help others understand this wonderful Game of Cricket!

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